Heading to Haiti
There is a
favorite hymn of mine that reads,
“Here I am,
Is it I Lord?
I have heard
you calling in the night.
I will go,
Lord, if you lead me.
I will hold
your people in my heart.”
Dan. “Here I Am Lord”. OCP Publications, 1981
Flashback to
2003, a picture of me standing proudly in the auditorium of Asbury University’s
chapel, singing that song with all my heart, my arms toward Heaven.
…Well, not
really singing it. After all, I can’t sing…but claiming the words and feeling
the passion behind their meaning in the inner chambers of my heart.
I was ready to
embark on a mission trip to Juarez, Mexico for my spring break. God had called
me there to help do construction work on an orphanage and minister to the
children there.
That was the
last mission trip I have been on.
Now, 16 years
later, I am ready to embark on my next mission trip, but this time to Haiti.
And while I still love the lyrics to that hymn, I must confess that I say them
as more of a prayer, and not as boldly with outstretched arms as I once did.
So, what has changed? Allow me to explain.
Much has
changed since my college years. I have gotten married, had two different,
successful careers, and became a mom. So, when I felt the urge to go on this
mission trip to Haiti, images of my boys and husband circulated quickly through
my mind. I would have to leave them behind for 9 days in order to travel with a
church group of people I do not know, to a rural mountain in an impoverished
country I have never been.
While that may
not seem like a ‘big deal’ to some people I know; it is to me. Ever since a
tragedy occurred
in my life 11 years ago, I have become more introverted. (Don’t let the
fact that I am
a teacher fool you.) I rarely go anywhere without my family, let alone another
country. After I get home from a day of work, my goal in life is to avoid as
many people as possible, and spend time trying to be the best mom and wife I
So, then if I
am feeling reluctant, why go to Haiti? That’s easy to answer.
When my
Heavenly Father puts something on my heart, I have learned that it’s useless to
negotiate with Him. He always wins. But, I know why He has put this particular
trip on my heart at this particular time in my life.
Whenever I look
around at the shape of our country today, I have a convicted, sickened feeling
at what we have become as a nation. And no, I’m not solely referring to
politics. (I refuse to discuss my political opinions with anyone.) I’m
referring to the fact that as a nation, we have more than we deserve. Well
heck, my family has more than we deserve. I love my boys, but they are growing
up in a society of instant gratification and a land of plenty. There is nothing
wrong with all their needs being met, and them being given every opportunity
for a full life. However, I want to be able to teach them not to take things
for granted. I even find myself taking my blessings for granted. This is not
how I want to be.
So, I feel that
God is calling me on this trip in order to strip away all the unimportant
things that don’t matter in life. I have a strong desire to get back to the
basics of what is important -caring for those less fortunate and showing the
love of God in all I do. I want to reconnect with God in a way where my
material possessions and luxury lifestyle does not interfere with the
relationships I make with people. (Yes, even driving a small, dented car and
wearing used Goodwill clothes is considered a luxury lifestyle in my opinion.)
In order to do this, I need to get an insight to how 80% of the world
So, this is
where I am asking for your help.
First, please
support me in prayers as I mentally and emotionally prepare for this upcoming
mission trip. It will be June 11th
– 19th. Also, I will be traveling with a team of people from another
church. Please pray for all of our safety as well.
Second, please pray for my fellows as I am gone.
I know that my husband is more than capable of taking care of the boys without
me. But a little extra prayer never hurt anyone, especially when it comes to
parenting rambunctious boys. If you live close to us and want to check in on
them from time to time, the week I am gone, I would be ever so appreciative.
Even though Jason and the boys will be fine while I am away, a little extra prayer definitely never hurt anyone, especially when it comes to parenting! |
Finally, the hardest part is the finances. I have
to raise the money to go on this trip. This is the part that I struggle with
the most because it’s a foreign concept to me. I have to raise $1400 by May
11th. If you feel called to give, there are a few different ways you can do it.
Ways to Help Financially
option is to send a check to me, made out to Richmond FUMC, with nothing
written on the memo line. I will then compile the checks and turn them in to the
correct person.
Once in Haiti
So, what will I be doing in Haiti? I will be working with my mission team to contribute to the needs of the people of Ranquitte. The exact literary will be shaped as we get close to leaving, but will involve: leading a children's Bible School, helping create and oversee jobs for the locals in order to boost their economy, ministering to the widows, and of course, LOTS of prayer walks through the village!
In Ranquitte, a good wage
is considered $8 for a long day’s work of physical labor. Most men would love
to have a consistent job, but they do not get that opportunity. The orphans and
widows of the village have even a harder life since many are left without a
means of income altogether. We will be witnessing to them as well.
I want to thank you ahead of time for your support, whether
it be through prayers, time checking on my boys, or finances. I truly do
appreciate it, and love each and every one of you!